Ah! the hunt!
The tightening of the tendons at the scent,
The cunning and the crafty unconcern
As, Idly sidling through the grass
All through a browsing, lazy afternoon
We`d munch the parry of distance, till at last
With a leap perhaps ( or maybe just one step)
In our grasp the invisible tether of certainty!
And then the stealth of the stalk – the stillness,
The icy incandescence of the will
Focussed implacably through fierce eyes,
Lancing laser-like the glooming green
And firing the transfixed spirit of the prey,
An ante-pastal holocaust…The thrill
Thronging through every fibre of the nerves
Before the pounce – the hurl of tautened muscle
And fasten of fang and claw in flesh –
The thudding of the heart, as in the head
The frenzied pounding of the brain subsided
And the blood drained from the eyes.
And then the cold, remote, contemptuous pity
Of the listless lacerations of the feast.
<Deleted User> (6895)
Fri 14th Dec 2012 12:17
As we mentioned in our vertical communications,
which to you now is coming from a horizontal angle
-the D's attributed to you were aptly deserving.
9&9/10ths approval H.O.N.xx