A plane scratches the clear blue sky
leaving a milky blemish on the virgin canvas.
A posse of rabbits bob and weave in a meadow
of buttercups and daisies
until their playtime is interrupted by the bark of a dog.
Ears alert, noses twitching and eyes scanning the terrain,
they disappear in unison to their underground bunkers.
A large bull controls the adjacent field
patrolling his turf with majestic confidence
filling the air with a musky steam
from his powerful frame.
On the other side of the fence
a party of seasoned ramblers
tentatively negotiate a nobbly stile.
One by one they nervously filter along the path
constantly keeping an eye on Jake La Motta
They arrive at a watering hole
already earmarked as a resting place
for their aching plates of meat.
Pints of the local brew of John Willie Lees
is the order of the day...for their tonsils...and not their feet !
High above the scene
starlings congregate and balance with ease
on a telephone line
exchanging tweets on the twittersphere.
Below a large ginger tom prowls around
in hope of a fallen tweety pie.
But all he gets is a volley of deposits
from the eyes in the sky.
<Deleted User> (6895)
Fri 11th Jan 2013 19:00
Jake La Motta-wow!what a scrapper!
and what a poem!xx