The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Fashion antithesis

The fashion industry grips girls and boys in a funny spot,
Gets self hatred leaking from their mouth's like a money shot.
‘Cos there’s nothing wrong with exercise to tighten your thighs,
But there’s something wrong with drinking bleach to purify your insides.
So if we run out of cannabis,
I’ll have to handle this,
Just to release the pressure on her
With a fashion antithesis.

Disney ideals infiltrate like Nazis in the Catholic church,
When your criticised and always told your changed for the worst.
What do you feel your life could be worth,
Living in a bubble that already burst.
If life’s a film yours is being filmed in front of a green screen,
The media clipping on the cutting room floor take out all the best scenes,
That’s why I rage against the machine,
To clean germs out of the circuitry.

Heathy people made to look like manatees,
They prefer lifeless eyes in cocaine canopies.
America centric insanity doesn’t feel right,
With natural beauty you’ll get natural love tonight.
So if we run out of cannabis,
I’ll have to handle this,
Just to release the pressure on her
With a fashion antithesis.

And these same editors tell you
There’s souls that aren’t torn up like yours was,
When they watch buildings
And souls turned to saw dust.
That’s the excuse for putting microscopes on us,
Torturing citizens aboard without Parliament or Congress,
Look at foreign terror attacks with empathetic eyes like seven seven,
And the troops would be home no war no more nine elevens.


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