The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Way Back Home

There’s always a way back home.

Maybe no one told you

But cement and brick last a long time,

Even when neglected.

You can disappear for a year or ten

Then come back again, to the street,

And watch history repeat

As memories breathe through old concrete.

And maybe it’ll seem strange to meet,

After all it was there I learnt life can be like

Spoilt conjoined twins,

A bitch and a half.

Inhaled self destruction like monoxide gas.

Just one touch leaves me bleeding internally,

One look and watch my life turn to burgundy,

Second glance leaves me with split personality,

Halfway between deifying gravity and the shit reality.

But it must hold appeal or why would we come back?

For midnight talks and bite marks on your ass,

Or like breaking out of rehab shouting give me some crack!?

Probably both to a degree, but let’s just wait and see,

‘Cos we’re both trying to solve impossible mystery,

And who knows what life holds for you and me?

Maybe 3 am,

Got home alone again,

Or about half eleven,

When another dance floor feels like Armageddon.

We’ll head to old contacts and stuff hidden in drawers,

When we’re wondering, searching what life is for.

When the past sits next to you,

You want to play Doctor Who,

Splice time and stick it together,

Only looking at the fair weather.

Then you pull yourself together,

Realise with your real eyes,

We’re not kids anymore.

And it’s a long way back,

The road can seem narrower than the righteous path.

But let’s get to the point,

We’re here and shit happens!

And it’s no use if there’s no compassion,

Like frowning in the middle of an orgasm.

But I’ve incarcerated you in my heart, in a single atom,

‘Cos we’ve found complex structures are difficult to fathom.

I’m here, and you’re wherever you are.

And it doesn’t really matter how long or far,

I’ll have a memory of you and the stuff we used to do.

So get in touch if you fancy a brew.

‘Cos I could even be your friend,

And every love story has to end.

In my room, on the phone,

You left me, and it was sad.

But remember what I said in the first line,

There’s a way back home even in dark times.

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Wez Jefferies

Sat 2nd Feb 2013 20:54

Thanks John, yeah I guess it is a little messy in the middle but this one was mainly written as it came into my head and I wanted to keep it fairly unstructured. And yes it is about an ex!

john andrews

Fri 1st Feb 2013 21:20

I really get the begining and end of your poem but got lost in the middle. nice work though I'll read through a few times maybe I'll get it.
Is it about an ex maybe?

tony sheridan

Wed 30th Jan 2013 18:13

Hi Wez. Love this! Have been back to look at where I lived and grew up a few times. Childhood floods through my memory. Well done!! Take care, Tony.

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Ged Thompson

Tue 29th Jan 2013 21:25

Just re read it, again,

so again fucking brilliant, well done

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Ged Thompson

Tue 29th Jan 2013 21:20

I really like this poem, well done, its gritty and dark and very real, no bullshit about it your wearing your heart on your sleeve

Well done mate, fucking good job!!!!!!!!

We need more of this

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