The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Thare Is Na Time That Wull Nae Come Again


Thare Is Na Time That Wull Nae Come Again

The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it,

speck of dust. Nietzsches demon.( The Gay Science 341)



Thare is na time that wull nae come again

Th' stoor o' ages weightless winds huv spread

Howfur git back 'ere ah cannae ken


Oor bairn’s a mon tae quickly grown frae grain

'n' we noo wear th' masks o' parents deid

Howfur made it 'ere ah cannae ken


Ah track oor years by pathways thro' th' glens

'n' loue ye mair than ever cuid be said

Howfur git back 'ere ah cannae ken


Th' seasons wi' thair changes come 'n' then

print upon th' freish genetic treads.

Thare is na time that wull nae come again


Thae trees wha's totem beauty time distains

climb thro' space tae light whaur thay ur fed

Howfur git back 'ere ah cannae ken


In time a' Hielands fall upon th' plain

'n' ragin` floods wi' mortal blood run rid

Thare is na time that wull nae come again.

But howfur  git tae 'ere, ah cannae ken.


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