A Letter to Myself
You promised yourself
to begin acting sensibly.
Up until now your
choices have been
less than satisfactory.
Make the right move.
It is still within reasonable
time. Acknowledge
you need help.
Your history has
been spotted, but
you have a
nimble wit. Of the
arts and professions
you sold yourself short.
Pull yourself
from the mire.
You claim your proclivites
are an impediment,
which have caused
failure to complete
your studies.
You tell yourself you lack
the stamina and the initiative
for the long haul.
I see in you great capacity
to follow through.
Keep the bargain
you made to yourself.
Nigel Astell
Thu 11th Apr 2013 15:27
Shake bottle
light quill
then redip
tense texture
please refrain
blotting paper
soaks mistakes
so can
bargain makers.