The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

I Am the Chair A day in the life of comp

entry picture


I am in Odessa on the main street

On a pedestal I overtop

A lot of people I meet and greet

Their asses on me they drop.


A chair made of bronze!

Have you ever heard of that?

The other chairs are pawns.

With them I ignore to chat.


Every day I’m admired,

Became a hero of the day

I’d love to say I’m never tired

And never wish to hit the hay.


Why am I so famous?-one might ask.

The treasures were hidden in my seat.

To find them was not an easy task

As I was one out of 12 and no cheat.


The first of April is today,

A Humorina in Odessa-city

A sunny day! A funny day!

And all around look so pretty!


Humor is in the City Garden,

Laugh and joy are on the streets!

Someone said: I beg your pardon

If my voice a bit of bleats.


You can sit on me and take a picture,

So that to fix that beautiful moment.

It will be for life the best capture

For your offspring the best comment.


The best music I’ve heard today,

Different orchestras I did enjoyed.

More then that - I would like to say:

Some … got rid of the hemorrhoid.


Laughing so much together with men

I know for sure what health improves.

Come and sit on me again.

And your troubles my seat removes.


I would like  every day to be like that.

Listening to music, laughter and jokes,

Being jazzed by funny acts, let’s bet,

Your life prolongs and love evokes. 


If I had a mouth I would  say:

It was really the greatest day!

The day of different adventures

And all people were not strangers.


The 15th of April, 20013

Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)







A day in the life of comp

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 17th Apr 2013 23:55

Thank you dear Yvonne!

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 17th Apr 2013 23:43

I enjoyed this Larissa. Imaginative.

PS if you want to enter it in the competition you need to Tag it:-
A day in the life of comp (no punctuation)
or the filter won't pick it up and readers won't see it.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 15th Apr 2013 20:56

Ha! This made me laugh Larisa!

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