I stand before this mirror
Looking not at but through
My eyes push to recognise
Focus on a version of self
that at least holds some semblance
Or truth, I wait………..
Then ringing it comes!
And certain feelings
Lost like so many old keys turn up
And in this I re-gather
Windows open and I feel the rush
Of my own youth
Ruined weather worn flaking
Paint on an old shed door
Now peals and renews
Inside so many cloudbursts
Shelter, my face, now no
Longer young stairs back
Out of a glass square window
And I can smell it, I am there
Wood stain paraffin and
Green wet grass, I step out
And re-gather
Peering over high garden
Hedges, I now am able to see
what was hidden from view?
Once only imagined secret no more
But still can’t be shared.
My Cowboy suit patiently sits
Atop high wardrobe shelf
Till hands still moving 1 year older make
How easy it is in this moment
To sense teddy bears so long since
Stuffed and buttoned
Blue check pyjamas ironed so soft
Mother kisses and afternoon naps
How easy……..I re-gather and wait
Yet struggling to summon drudgery
Just days old in the moment, I return
The happiest times of childhood
and family are burnt and branded,
Ripped into the very tissue of our soul
My one constant The Glue The Mother
And from this like so many truly meant
Kisses or tears wiped, these memories
Are chosen to rise and repeat
They are resin-set and can be neither
Undone nor broken by future
They hold no fear of judgement
The happiest of days
This poem is personal and very much reflects my childhood memories
<Deleted User> (6315)
Fri 10th May 2013 15:50
A cracking couple of finishing lines there..enjoyed the whole :)