The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Violet. (Short story)


'Everyone sees me as a whore' Violet said


'Escorting won't help that reputation now will it?'


'No one will know but if I can make it as a painter then I rather take that career path'


Violet was a Manic depressive and lived on her own with two kids. A boy and a girl. The boy was 5 and was just starting school. He was getting bullied at nursery but was told to do nothing. The girl was 18 months and was very bossy and as Violet would say 'She's going to be a right bossy boots when she grows up'


At a party of hers once I was with a friend and we arrived at six in the evening and we drank and smoked for a good two hours. We opted to leave at ten at night and this to Violet was a no, no. She had very bad panic attacks and hated to be alone at night. She would become very paranoid and would hear things like creaks and such. This would make her feel like someone was trying to murder her.


Anyway, when me and a friend wanted to leave she locked all the doors. Her front door had about 10 locks on it. And she wouldn't let us out. We were caged and in imprisoned. She would go hysterical and shout and sometimes get violent. We got out somehow and I can't remember exactly how. Once out we had left the keys to my friends flat which meant we had to go back and retrieved mentioned item.


This was to be no mean feat. We knocked for a good five minutes and there was no answer.


'Fuck off' Violet screamed!


'We need the keys'


'Just fuck off'


'We need the fucking keys!' we shouted


'Well you can't fucking have them!'


'Just give us the fucking keys'


And for a few moments there was silence. We tried knocking again and we got the same reply.




'Right,we're phoning the police'


And when we said that all we heard was


'Right,OK. I'll get them'


We heard her giggling and waited a few minutes and the door opened slightly.


'Come and get them then' Violet said


My friend walked over and before he could put his hand out she threw them at him. He caught them and then shouted 'FUCK' in pain. The keys were boiling hot. She had heated the keys up somehow. This kind of thing was no rare occurrence.


On another occasion when coming home from a night out I was sat in the back of the car and she in the front. A friend was driving us both home. She started screaming and shouting and told the driver to 'Stop the fucking car or I'm going to jump out' and so the driver stopped.She got out the car and walked down the main road and went missing for a good two hours. In that time we searched for her with no success of finding her. We found her sitting in the middle of a round about. And the reason for all this was because I said I wasn't staying at hers that night.


Violet was at college studying Art. Before starting the course she said she hadn't painted of drew anything since she was 17. She was now 26. She was a natural Artist and had the artistic temperament. Very wild and animalistic.


She was in love with one her teachers there. I don't recall his name but he was gay and the most he could give her was friendship. And the weird thing was Violet was a lesbian but said she would go straight for him. Which I found rather amusing. Her art to me was very much like Picasso and I would tell her to be more original.


'Paint me' I would ask her


'Give me a good enough photo then' she would say


'OK.But don't paint in the style of Picasso'


'Fuck off' she would say with a humourous tone


Now,about two years back she had a stint in mental hospital. The reason being she had a 'angry' outburst at her parents and she ripped the curtains down. She spent a good three weeks in there and met a mutual friend of ours. Clara. They were both on the same ward. They bonded because they were the only manics on the ward. The rest being suicide-ally depressed. Clara was telling people she was getting messages from John Lennon and that she was the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. They also went to Art therapy together. And on one occasion asking one shrink if they could have sexual therapy.


Clara was also an Artist and was very bohemian. She smoked weed and took magic mushrooms and was very spiritual.


We would say things such as


'Time doesn't exist. It's all an illusion'


'Yes.Oh my God, you're so right'


She would have wild parties where the drink flowed like a river and would last for 3 days none stop. At one of her parties I smoked so much weed it's a wonder I wasn't hungry for life.


Now back to the present.


I was due to meet Violet at 3 in the afternoon and I was late as usual.And we were to meet Clara at 6:30. My phone would ring.


'Where are you?' Violet would ask


'I'm nearly there. I'll be about 10 minutes'




'Are you alone?'


'No.I'm with Claire'


'Claire who?'


'Not the Clair you know'


I got off the bus and saw Violet and she was with what I thought was a woman. And when I got closer she was no woman. She was a man.


'This is Claire' Violet said




'Hello'Claire said in a deep tone


She had a very deep voice and this I found to be rather funny.


'Where we off to first?' I asked


'Well,we both want some coffee' Violet said


We spent half an hour in the coffee shop and then went to the pub and starting drinking and waited for Clara.

When I asked how Violet and Claire had met the answer was this. They had met at a fetish party. I had attended one of these parties once with Violet and it was quite the experience. All I remember was there being a dwarf in kinky gear and he wanted to be spanked and spanked hard.


'So do you go to a lot of these parties?' I asked Claire




'All over the country?'


'Oh,yes. You should come to one?'


'I'd rather not'


'The T-birds would love you'


'The T what?'






And from then on all I wanted was for Clara to arrive. When she arrived my eyes lit up with excitement. I was so glad to see her. We went outside and smoked some weed and got talking about things and Violet mentioned escorting.


'I'm going into escorting. Claire's pimping me out'


'What?'Clara said


'It pays well'


'Try and make money some other way'


'I would if I could but this is the easiest way'


And the mood changed after that and both Violet and Claire left after that conversation.


'There's something fishy about that Claire' Clara said to me


'I agree'


We all saw each other again two weeks later and nothing had changed. She was to become an escort. A friend that we both knew offered her £20 for her services. She declined. She was to be making £100 an hour soon enough.


Claire went round Violets and showed her all the kinky gear and told her she must take out all her piercings or she may put clients off. Violet took no notice.


In the mean time Violet was having some of her paintings put into a competition. The first prize was £10,000. She was hopeful. She invited me to her college art exhibition and told me there was to be free wine. But I never went. Mainly because Claire was to be there.She had someone wanting to buy one of her paintings. How much for I don't know. It didn't really make any difference. 

◄ Eastern Poem.

Night time colours. ►


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Rachel Bond

Mon 13th May 2013 17:23

ok will have a think...

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Danny Metcalfe.

Mon 13th May 2013 13:24

Oh, please do. I want some feedback. :)

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Rachel Bond

Mon 13th May 2013 03:08


i could offer a lot of criticism about this and ask some questions of it...but after my last attack of your veggie subject i think ill just say that.

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