The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


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Hold on, to what

this moment that thought

“You make me sick”

Because I spun you upside down

or because of the opinions I held?

Why do you feel anything

put weight to what I say

give credence that I am

Detached Removed Remote.

Remote? Remote control?

Removed Detached

like a house?

My state how I am,

Perceived, accepted to be,

Absent somehow




Dislocated, am I an abstraction?

Here mostly even when I’m not.

When you enter, why does your

volume exit, water-like move out

upwards just like your replacing

yourself, where is my dispersion?

Each time I leave a room

vacuous which will not fill.

Chrysalis upon chrysalis after chrysalis

pearls on a necklace neck less….

Clasp less and infinite

Anger breaking on shores of hate

you resent even that I exist




Poltergeist like I corrupt my own past

throwing Rocks at the future, the here and the now

according to you…

Pissing on rainbows

trapping moths in a killing jar

so I say to you.......

If deep deep down I could swim

sinful lungs would carry me

past those I loved pulling them

under dragging them down.

Selfless soulless, pitying only myself.

If I carried a blade wrought and black

to Plunge written in hate,

engraved with the words

“Always intended for you”

Then I would be all that you claim me to be

All that you say that I am






◄ Written in Stone

Never For Ever ►


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Sun 26th May 2013 23:18

Just my opinion mate...its still a great poem and I understand what you mean by the intention:)

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Sun 26th May 2013 20:43

Maybe your right John but the intension of the repeat is of extreme incredulity )

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Sun 26th May 2013 09:42

Hi Richard,
Great poem and works even better when heard performed live! Particularly liked the last stanza,'If I carried a blade wrought and black,
to plunge written in hate,engraved with the words,'Always intended for you',then I would be all that you claim me to be,all that you say I am.'For me,maybe a bit too much repetition early on,(the multiple detached,removed,remote,etc,and later with the chrysalis repetition also.I think,with the greatest respect you could make your point maybe by just repeating the word once and the poem would read better for it.) Just my opinion though. Still a great poem that takes the reader on a heartfelt journey.

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Thu 23rd May 2013 08:04

Thanks Alex it is a poem which is very much meant to be performed and I give the lines the right weight internation etc

Its kind of about an opinion held by one person for another, and if you like the opinion is so dark and wrong and the victim of this opinion is just sending out a reaction questioning those opinions held in the darkest exaggerated way.
Basicly saying your wrong, I am not this bad person you say I am

Not really higher level more a Stream of consciousness

Thanks hun

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