Hold on, to what
this moment that thought
“You make me sick”
Because I spun you upside down
or because of the opinions I held?
Why do you feel anything
put weight to what I say
give credence that I am
Detached Removed Remote.
Remote? Remote control?
Removed Detached
like a house?
My state how I am,
Perceived, accepted to be,
Absent somehow
Dislocated, am I an abstraction?
Here mostly even when I’m not.
When you enter, why does your
volume exit, water-like move out
upwards just like your replacing
yourself, where is my dispersion?
Each time I leave a room
vacuous which will not fill.
Chrysalis upon chrysalis after chrysalis
pearls on a necklace neck less….
Clasp less and infinite
Anger breaking on shores of hate
you resent even that I exist
Poltergeist like I corrupt my own past
throwing Rocks at the future, the here and the now
according to you…
Pissing on rainbows
trapping moths in a killing jar
so I say to you.......
If deep deep down I could swim
sinful lungs would carry me
past those I loved pulling them
under dragging them down.
Selfless soulless, pitying only myself.
If I carried a blade wrought and black
to Plunge written in hate,
engraved with the words
“Always intended for you”
Then I would be all that you claim me to be
All that you say that I am
Sun 26th May 2013 23:18
Just my opinion mate...its still a great poem and I understand what you mean by the intention:)