The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Never For Ever

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"Not sure if this is a poem or not, its just a completely honest memory of mine, written as a stream of consciousness I have not worked it like a poem I just tried to write it in one go, it means something to me so I thought I would share it on here"




Once I fell in love at first sight

It’s truly the only time it ever

Truly truly happened in my life

I didn’t get to take her out

Didn’t get to hold her or kiss her

Marry her have babies with her

Watch her grow older day by day

Or any of those things, I didn’t

Even get to divorce her or split

After years of angst or happiness

Gone wrong


She was a lady in a castle

I suppose though I never

truly knew as I never ever

spoke to her.

She came out of a courtyard

passing where I sat drinking

maybe eating so long ago

I truly can’t be sure.

All I know the only fact for certain

her beauty and how she made me feel

she was a brunette hair curly but long

or was it short a very trendy cut

the colour at least I’m certain of.


She was so English Looking if that makes any sense

she walked with such an air

not a visitor not staff

her age I’m sure just 1 or 2

less than my 18

what she wore is harder

yet in my mind I see her in

maybe a check jacket

or a pullover,the rest is vague

but well dressed and elegant

god my memory is now so poor.


But in my mind she has always remained

her beauty and youth and,

Me I used to turn heads and I truly felt had we

Spoken I might have at least stood a chance

But she never even noticed me, nothing

I hung around ages after holding up my parents

with some feeble reason or other to stay

I searched hedge-mazes and towers

and I think I may have see her again,

though this is hazy too and might be wrong,

If I did she still didn’t notice me

no eye contact nothing of that I am sure

she didn’t notice me at all, I never existed

in her world, "she has whatever her name

was,or is" No lasting memory of me


It’s funny as it’s been so long, many

many years since I thought of her.

But it was something truly true

I never felt in all my youth nor

now years older a moment like that again

It wasn’t lust, it was a wanton need

and my heart felt broken for much

If not all of that holiday,


O wow it’s come to me

You know

now as I write, she looked

very much like Kate bush 

I will never forget her

Never For Ever

















◄ I AM

Sick ►


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Sun 26th May 2013 09:48

Haha! Nice one Richard....and why wouldn't she look like Kate Bush? 'she was a lady in a castle'Whether this is a real or imaginary castle,it's easy to imagine the setting,and even easier to understand the (commonly held) obsession.

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Fri 24th May 2013 23:40

Yes - this must be the poetic equivalent of that James Blunt 'you're beautiful' song.

I think there's probably safety in distance - you get to imagine all the good things without ever experiencing the bad.

Kate Bush was ever boy's pin up girl, when I was younger :)

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 24th May 2013 17:58

I believe this is a poem. A very good one indeed.
I think at one time or another we all fall in love with someone far away.
Very nicely written.


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