From A High Window
Standing on the wide grey hill
The noontide skyscape hangs heavily
Like fog crafted from artists’ hands
Cities of unease hang invisible in the air.
They pour scorn on every hope in his heart
Picturing clouds unfurling with time
And shades of black rolling in on him.
A binocular gazer, from a high window
In the distance
Watches and waits, careful and calm
Whilst above the tumult fades with dusk.
Inside the bickering starts again
Passive whispers, turn to murmurs of concern
The figure remains silent on the peak
The source of that afternoon’s conversation.
Now by the fire orange-bright
Talk turns to him again
To that sorry sight.
‘The look of death upon him’
Years later one would say of him
‘He was standing there, for days on end’
‘Turning erratic, like a weathervane
‘An exile frozen, still
‘Without a name’.
Sat 20th Jul 2013 23:35
Great poem David! Unbelievably good first stanza!
By the way thanks for comments posted a couple of months back!