The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Ode to a Field Mouse

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When out walking this fine day

I came across a mouse

Grey and brown a mixture of

He couldn’t find his house


Said I to the rodent

Where last did you see it?

‘Twas way over yonder

Strewth, I’m such a twit


Asked I in bemusement

Why do you say that?

Because I’m forgetful

And . . .oops . . .kersplat!


Dear reader to a mishap

I must now confess

The pipsqueak felt nothing

That fact I address


For as I stepped forward

His abode to espy

He scurried under my welly

I’m afraid he did die.


The moral of this tale

Is perfectly clear

If approached by a field mouse

Ignore it

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Sun 1st Dec 2013 10:49

I like your move into comedy Starfish. Move over Robbie Burns - I can understand this one!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 9th Sep 2013 17:46

whhhhatttt!!!ignore a field mouse-never!
wear cotton wool wellies? always!!
awwww,accidents will happen.This comment comes from a so soft hearted Mr Wilde,who once risked his life by dashing out in between gaps in traffic on a bypass with his trusty shovel to lift a dead but beautiful fox off the road so he wouldnt get 'kersplatted' anymore and could be given a decent burial....sniff sniff.Be careful with those big feet Starfish! haha!xx

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