The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Don't Give Away Your Loved Ones!

No need to give away the loved ones,
Those who are near you or far away,
And those who are almost invisible,
But very often so dear and desirable,
They come into your life as the sun ray.

When all is good and in the brightness,
Your life is burning like a fire.
Why do you worry about happiness?!
If all comes true and do not tire!

But when the evil of caustic words,
The soul sometimes hurts and cry,
Don't hurry up to say: " Goodbye! "
Be strong enough as love is right.
For happines you have to fight!

And in the acute storm of explanation,
Bless and save us God, at any time,
From nervous words and then frustration,
As love is not a crime but just a chime.

It's known well and from the ancient times:
You can't just love and be dishonest,
And therefore, neither jealousy nor names,
Neither hops nor secret games,
At any rate are not worth of heartiest love .

So, fight and never lose your chance!
And let it be a joy or grief of love.
Just fight! And even if you starve,
Don't give away your loved ones!

Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
17th of September, 2013

loved ones

◄ Today Is Thursday! Hurray!

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<Deleted User> (9882)

Tue 24th Sep 2013 22:20

very much enjoyed Larisa.Best wishes.x

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