The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

There are many..., There are a few...

There are many of those with whom you can go to bed,
There are so a few with whom you’d like to wake up,
And in the morning to greet the day that’s ahead,
With a smile to ask your love if it’s already a sunup.
There are many of those with whom you can just live,
Drink in the morning coffee, talk and argue or debate,
But … there are just a few to whom you can believe
And in every moments of life to be always straight.
There are so a few with whom you’d like to dream,
To watch the stars in the darkness of the night,
To be with your loved one in the same stream,
And never think who was really wrong or right.
There are so a few with whom you can keep silent,
Who understands you with a semi glance or a word,
Who knows that each heard word is just brilliant
As from the mouth of your darling it was said.
You so easily meet and… without pain you part,
With ease on the heart, just because…, and it is sad that…
There are so many of those with whom you can go to bed,
There are so a few with whom you would like to wake up.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 1st of October, 2013


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Lynn Dye

Sat 12th Oct 2013 23:35

Good one, Larisa. I especially like the first two lines (and last lines) Very true! x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 12th Oct 2013 19:42

Thank you so much my dear friends for your comments. With love and warmest wishes, Larisa

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Wed 9th Oct 2013 10:18

This is true. Well observed and written.
Best Wishes

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 3rd Oct 2013 16:59

Food for thought: the ongoing personal puzzle of
the passing and the perennial - and their elusive
presence in our lives.
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