As war’s abrasion strips his fine veneer
man’s inhumanity his ilk defines.
Bi-pedal dog, scent-primed, unleashed, packed off
he brings a licking to some wrong-tongued foe.
While back in civvy-street, his leaders rise
short-slept from tasting civilized excess
this day newborn in sinless rectitude
to move their boarded pawns with gifted guess.
In blinkered ignorance of Conqueror’s Creed
that sets all free from hypocritic bond
war-leaders mire mere men in conflict’s slough
so deep Geneva’s spires are over-topped.
Unheeding they send mortal men to war
yet heed the call when time comes to deplore.
barrie singleton
Sat 9th Nov 2013 11:58
Done in Dave's (et al) name so far as I can tell M.C. (Does Elizabeth R take pride in war?)
Our 'D' MOCK CRASS Y? is feudal. We are as ill-used as the infantry who scared the proverbial out of Wellington. Sadly, Dave is too arrogant to fear us. Under the excuse of remembrance I shall add others.