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Macho moderation

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So another headfuck yank
went barmy with a gun,
it’s in their culture can’t you see,
an endless source of fun.
Their biggest arty export
packs every kind of heat,
and it’s not only Hollywood
that lends cred on the street,
but a genre of their music,
another culture source,
all about man coming good
and achieving it though force.
So that brings us nicely
to the theatre of war,
their influence, involvement,
in all that’s gone before,
a chance to be the ‘big un’,
flex muscle, display might,
and Uncle Sam will be there
just spoiling for a fight.

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Christopher Dawson

Tue 20th Mar 2012 21:32


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Christopher Dawson

Mon 16th Mar 2009 17:03

hmmmm well I don't often have much purpose for what I write, but I wouldn't see it as either a game or fake. I guess it was more 'reflective', so in that you did actually get the point...just that it wasn't mine (necessarily)

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clarissa mckone

Sat 14th Mar 2009 03:52

Im sorry Christopher, if I missed the point of this poem. I do have a fault, I always belive that if a person writes, they write what they feel or think.The way I read your poem, you were, with your words, the typical American hater/attacker.I have read plenty of this type of work on here, and been attacked for my own works, and thus deleted them, and really care nothing for writting anymore. My mind does not do well, with poetry that, is not a persons true feelings or thoughts, I cant seem to grasp, that its a game/fake. So Im sorry.

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Christopher Dawson

Fri 13th Mar 2009 12:54

It seems that you may be getting a little confused here Clarissa, not all writing is the specific opinion or feeling/experience of it's author.

Particularly so in poetry.

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clarissa mckone

Fri 13th Mar 2009 03:04

I forgot, my Grandfather was a ww2 fighter pilot, and many others in my family were in that war, Im sure they would have loved to stay home and not get sick and blown up, so you could still speak English. HIstory, who came spoiling for a fight when we wanted to be free, of opressive taxes? We learned very well the art of war, and its very sad, The people just elected a guy that made many promises, one was about the wars, seems they are going to leave one place and be sent to another.Afganistan. Im sorry, but it really chaps me, when people think all americans are the same way.when you say spoiling for a fight, You should look at all wars and see what countrys are there, we are not alone.Then you have to wonder, why war? Because it makes lots of money for a few at the top and thats not you or me.

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clarissa mckone

Fri 13th Mar 2009 02:38

Yep, thats us, sounds like all of us, and we learned well. Add to it, a canadian chopped a mans head off and was eating him, a German kid went crazy and killed some people.Yeah we are all headfucks, but our elected government are the worst headfucks ever, they dont do what we tell them to do.Yes, by God we control hollywood, our government and the scum sucking music, btw wonder who writes all that great shit? HUM, the undereducated masses? Uncle sam is dead, us headfucks are in the gutters, and yall may be joining us soon. Trash is every place, can we send some to you?Or is your government the same as mine?Do your youth bump and grind?Drink to much and box it out, just after having their cards read into a machine, that tells the government where they have been? Ah yes what a great little poem you have here.Now Ill go and be happy that I have the first and second amendment, that guarantees my rights, to free speech and to own a gun, to keep the balance between the power of the people and the government.A government that seems to become more socialist each day. I may wake up in the morning and be in china. Nice GUN!! looks kinda small, is it a lighter?

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