Another wee blast of grim northern verse from my Highland stravaigings early in 2013. Crianlarich is the railway station/stop where the train from Glasgow splits, half to Oban, half to Mallaig, or rejoins on the way south from both. It's surrounded by fantastic scenery & the temperature always seems to be -2C.
At Crianlarich where the great winds roared,
Hyphens of railway line flow to meet
Between frowns of dark mountain, converge
Tremulously for a timetabled heartbeat.
Colliding briefly like huge angry stags
In coupling then hurtling away south or north,
Dark carriages filled to the brim with us
Rest uneasily in temporary berth.
A quick fag on the platform, a sallow glance
Towards fog-boxed peaks & diminishing glens,
Where the wind cries Morag and all our
Turning points come to lost and boggy ends.
Stuart A Paterson
Thu 16th Jan 2014 23:27
Thanks Greg & MC. It's a treasured spot. Love getting off at the platform there for a fag & a look around. Going north, it promises what lies ahead, what you've got coming. It's like there's a change in the atmosphere.