Another working week
A sunny day, a windy day, and rain
Combined to stun us on our walks outside
A busy day, a meetings day, the strain
Of finding boxfuls of emails to read
Like minefields over which we slowly stride
Defusing each problem and each complaint
Before we can begin then to decide
Which long-delayed project we now attempt
Which one to resurrect, which should be dumped
Back onto the backburner once again
And this same frustration extends inside
To crowded private lives squeezed to the end
Of each day’s tasks, when we’d rather have lain
Inert, or with a new lover, or cried
<Deleted User> (5646)
Tue 24th Mar 2009 11:01
Aye. It's a hard life when work takes you travelling across the globe. ha ha.
Sorry. couldn't resist the little quip.
I've often wondered why people (me included) call writings of poetry etc.. is work.
Something we're supposed to enjoy.
Whatever happened to the happy work-force?
Love the theme and oddly enough, your attitude to it. A little at odds with mundane necessity. :-)