International Women`s Day
(Apology from the millions of the feminine `chosen`)
Our most sincere congratulation
And fellow - feminine applause
To your prestigious celebration
Honouring our women`s cause.
We`re sorry we could not assist
(Our inclination being thwarted)
For, though we too are feminist,
We`ve been (genderly) aborted.
(And thence could not participate
In our female discarded state)
Harry O'Neill
Wed 12th Mar 2014 14:00
Thanks for the comments folks.
Celia…I value the kindness.
M.C… I fear you`ll wait a long, long time :)
It was a satire…I was being `delicate` about a contentious issue about which much hot air is expounded on both sides.
This is it again…done different
International Women`s day.
(from the femalely forgotten)
Our Feminist congratulation
And hearty sisterly applause
For your timely celebration
honouring our female cause.
Though we aspired to assist
Our aspiration was frustrated:
Un-wanted female Feminists,
We have all been terminated.
We tender our apologies
(We won`t be impolitely shoddy
And ruin your festivities
By turning up without a body)