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Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

An Ordinary Fascism

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Is it a glory to Ukraine

When people are burnt so fain?

God is above all of us

And thus the guilty will get the cuss.

When people were shot for independence

It was the evils great acceptance.

When in Odessa people were burnt

We cried and much have learnt.

In networks Euromaidan is proud,

They burned people alive, they shout:

Glory to Ukraine!

But they forget the main.

Blind tribe of beasts you are,

Punishment and retribution are not far.

For independence you fought?

As a result the war you’ve got.

You thought you’d easily go abroad?

Don’t make laugh our Lord.

For adequate people it’s a shame,

They wanted changes but not fame.

Only rednecks can enjoy the death,

A prison and a netherworld is your path.

What is more expensive than human’s life?

And you, bastards, kill those who for it strive.

Damn, I feel ashamed for my country and you in it.

The only dull hatred in your eyes I see.

Your love’s to swastika but not to Ukraine,

For all your faults you someone else blame.

Ask your grandfathers about the war

They fought with fascism for not repeating it any more.

No, guys, no!

You have no right to shout:

“Glory to Ukraine!”

As fascism in the country is a shame.


Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 4th of May, 2014












political poem

◄ Illegal Government of Ukraine

Spring Meets Summer ►


<Deleted User> (9882)

Wed 23rd Jul 2014 13:29

I really sympathise with you on all the suffering you and your country is going through.With the help of God and the courage of the Ukranian people,there will be an end to it.

Well written poem Larisa and lovely to see you back on WOL.Good luck to you and your brave,wonderful country!

Lots of love-Solar.x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 23rd Jul 2014 13:18

Love you Lynn, love you Dave, love all my friends here on WOL. If it were not for you I don't really know how I would survive. <3

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 9th Jun 2014 23:38

It is frightening to see that the lessons of history are yet again being ignored - fascism is on the rise across Europe and will use the same old deceptions to gain support before they turn on their full blown hatred of all who do not boow down to them.

Sad to think there could come a time when you may feel all you can do is flee from the violence - head this way if you need shelter my friend, we do have a spare room now my daughter has moved out. Hugs xxx

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Lynn Dye

Mon 5th May 2014 16:47

Wonderful stuff, Larisa, your latest poem has brought tears to my eyes.
You have been on my mind a fair bit lately, certainly whenever I see the troubles of Ukraine on the TV news. I just hope and pray there will be an end to all this fighting as soon as possible. Look after yourself, Laura, and please keep safe. Love, Lynn x

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