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'Invasion Of Space'

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As I glimpsed at my past, for just a moment in time.

Seeing that my future was in desperation, that being my destination.

Validating the voices and sounds, which I heard in the rawness.

Beating with my fists, at the lack of salvation.

The price was too high, for the game I was to play.

I was not to know, what love would mean to me.

Seeing me running, across the cobble stoned market square.

Crying so much, that I would drown, in my own emotional pool.

Phone calls and texts, then seeing you standing, outside at the diner.

Crystal glass surroundings, separates me from the fakes in my life.

Ignoring the false smiles, the waves, and that entire high five shit.

How can a life so coloured, in an instant, change to black and white.

The future little princess has a natural obsession, to lie and to deceive.

Some good may come from it, though I doubt it very much.

Therefore, a glimpse at what is to come will never bring one joy.

If you ever find your pot of gold, or your shooting star.

Best of luck, you are going to need it, take it from one who knows.


(Painting, acrylic/oil on canvass, 'City In The Sky' by Gary Peters)



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Thu 2nd Apr 2009 06:03

Expresses a hopeless feeling...
These lines in particular I find sad:

'I was not to know, what love would mean to me.'

'Crying so much, that I would drown, in my own emotional pool.'

I find your painting very colourful and interesting...

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