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'Barbed Wire Freedom'

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Born into a life of poverty, sickness and crime.

Their IQ has meant nothing, trapped in their sands of time.

Betrayed and condemned, like generations past and gone.

They walk to conform, but in their hearts, they run.

The rest of the world comes to liberate, to set them free.

Therefore, they can speak their minds, and tell the world what they see.

Visions of destruction, twisted metal, broken hearts and minds, of death, of pain.

When will the world realise, that the cost of their blood, and their tears.

Is the price that is paid, for speaking their minds for years?


I talked with a man, who believes that he once, may have had a son.

It is hard for him to remember, a once great mind, clouded, scared and gone.

"I can still feel the pain of my beatings, I would smile to myself.

I was happy to welcome death, so it would stop hurting," he told me.

The tanks rolled by, as missiles whistled overhead.

The young, the old, the healthy and the dying, would crawl, and run in all directions.

Where are they running too, where have they run from?

Should we know these people, why should we care?

It is not us who are to blame, but some dictator, for their country's despair.


Protest all you must, talk all you must, fight all you must.

You, as a person are free; to choose which path you wish to take.

Sacrifices made now, may save generations yet to come.

Dictatorship verses war, is the main event tonight.

The better of two evils, in such a contest is war, many then, and since have said.

Will the heads of power ever agree, on the problems that the world needs to face?


Always hitting the faces that we love, while we turn to them for favours.

Take a deep breath next time, before you address your media.

Do not be too quick to pass judgement, great men of power around the globe.

Legends in history, past and present, and sometimes, just in ones mind.

Try to be more careful with your words, decisions and actions.

Just stop for a few moments, to reflect, and to think.

That we too, are a species, and as such, we too, can become extinct.


(Photography by Gary Peters)


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Val Cook

Thu 2nd Apr 2009 10:49

Good poem,well presented. We hold identical views Gary.

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