A Pestilence of Hackers
On the foul virtual ship Moronia,
travel the hackers and scammers who
try so very hard to deceive us
though all they deserve is a rousing Boo
They steal our true identities
and any cash they can lift by deceit
with the use of sneaky key loggers
and conmen’s tricks without a receipt
They skulk in the background daily
seeking many more victims to fleece
the right place for us to throw them
is into a pit with a pole laced with grease
And when thwarted they ever turn nasty
they hate to be discovered of course
every one should be banned from the web
not be left driving around in a Porche
See their many false howls in sheep’s clothing
those wolves with endless names they’ll use
to attack the legitimate web sites
that threw them off for so much abuse
Stand up for the guys that are with us
and refute their bully boy chants,
for though they protest their innocence
we need them less than ants in our pants!
In time we will give them their just deserts
and reveal where they hide in our midst
some are known as 419 criminals
in Nigeria where they skulk in a mist
But many more hackers are living
in our midst using VPN’s to hide
they only need a pc and a bedroom
some are kids who upon us have spied
For once they have got into your pc
and stolen the secrets of your life
will they stop at ID theft or even
blackmail you to husband or wife?
Few people in life are quite perfect
and may have left some traces behind
of web sites or chat rooms visited
and those the rogues will try to find.
So yes there are many things to consider
but place your choice of security as high
for all the phones & computers you are using
make them your fortresses high in the sky…
April 27th 1014