Malefic Condescension: Disavowed Homeless Dust II
Never knew G-d,
Too keep a ransacked hope forsaken oath, Formulated on the bliss abandoned lips of a myriad sea thousand wondrously hate sinking words, Expressing burnt humiliated offerings of inhospitable tolerant disdain for the mythical apocalyptic zombie god's worst broken cross promise, Spell double woven hexagram craft upon a disavowed Jew never holocaust thin legendary son who died... A fairy distant shrapnel memory ache tale of three post Armageddon days in brimstone's hell resurrection, What makes inhumanity sad, It is our worst fears... That either way, hands that were meant to heal, have surrendered to the adages of nurture's cursive miserable contempts, To selfishly wound one another, This is our well carpe profitable golden road north diem sandcastle universe funeral.
In earnest anticipation of,
Fri 4th Jul 2014 10:41
yes, what of the social pariahs, vampires, zombies, cyborgs, robots all, and whoremongers too, prattling rabble-rousers, fat-bellied mutants, grotesques, vain popinjays, swillers of vile excrement, in your cess-pools of self-torment, fawning sycophants, eager slanderers, blind worms masquerading as accusers, slaughterers, self-deceivers and plain idiots. Gross hypocrites besmirched in ignorance and vituperous righteousness, languishing in the pits of obsession and abomination, cacophonous litigations, flatulent piety, and putrefaction in an empty stomach. Oh ravenous vermin breeding in the contemptible proclivities and aberrations of your puerile soul-less existence. Traitors, spawn of mammon, scheming pilferers, beasts of iniquity and self-love, butchers of babes, adherents of duplicity, mendacity and sloth. Barbarous slaves and jackals of immorality vomiting on the heads of disembodied slugs. Political charlatans, rapacious villains, crooks and thieves. Scurrilous stinkards, tawdry delusionists, gross imbeciles, tattered ragged woe-begots, beggars of lost hopes and empty faiths. Pernicious quacks, bullies, tyrants, and ungracious toads.