She watched him waiting
Lief chose the venue:
the bar in full glare
of the sun,
sun-shine through
frosted glass frontage,
heavy wooden double doors
with matching windows
and seats out-side.
There would be hours yet
of sun coming through
those glass cataracts,
hours of heat to bake
tables and shirted backs,
hours of brightness
justifying the use of
shades on noses
and shop fronts.
There were more customers
across the street,
panting dogs with their owners,
customers shaded by the
tiled buildings,
dutiful owners of bars and cafes
throwing buckets of water
onto the pavement outside,
brushing the pools
under tables and between
cooling them.
cooled by the tiles
and shaded along with them.
Few customers bared
the heat nor tolerated
the blaze on lime-stone
and bleached white canvas
window shades,
few would drink
the warming drinks.
Lief chose this venue
for all of those reasons.
words and foto T Carroll
Shirley-Anne Kennedy
Fri 5th Sep 2014 12:18
Very atmospheric. Felt like I was sitting there. Could smell the hops. Well written :)