The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lines for a Fighter

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Before abandoning the name 

their masters gave your fathers

you were just some colored kid,

segregated and sanctified

in the Church of Hallelujahs,

holding your own on streets

where Cassius Clay was what

they called you, stamped

and seared by a slaver's brand.


The voice of conscience

was Emmet Till, the imaginary

twin whose date of birth

obsessed you, his features 

lying like bruised fruit

in the bigots' torchlight –

an omen for the uppity.


For you outraged them too

with your lip and fancy footwork,

your Five Pillars of Islam.

Turning up the heat with verses

you out-rhymed no-hopers.




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John Coopey

Wed 3rd Sep 2014 21:58

I could never comment on Dempsey, Louis or Marciano, but he was certainly the best I have ever seen. The Rope-a-Dope fight with Foreman was legendary.
At one time he was probably the most recognisable man in the world.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 3rd Sep 2014 11:54

I admit to some ambivalent feelings about this
famous pugilist. I am old enough to remember
Elvis Presley answering the call of his country
to serve - a call that Clay/Ali avoided.
But his fame as a fighter was fresh air in a sport tainted by corruption and sharp
practices and this has managed to serve him
well in the "legend" status that has defined
him since retirement from the ring.
But what a shame our 'Enery cut too easily!

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