Look At The Trees
‘Look at the trees’ she cried,
Kicking up the autumn leaves,
Embrace us in your comforting branches,
Enthrall us with a kaleidoscope of colours,
Engulf us with your sweet perfume,
Delight us with your grace and beauty,
Beguile us with your style and charm,
Caress us with a bouquet of blossoms
Let us forever bloom in your wondrous garden.
Suddenly a sea of swirling mist closes in
And threatens to consume us,
We race across a blanket of wet woven grass,
And press our aching bodies
To your virile and protective trunk,
While you stand erect and proud
Under a cool clear night sky,
Reaching for the distant heavens,
‘Look at the trees’ she cried,
‘Look at the trees’.
Tom Doolan
Tue 14th Oct 2014 18:54
Hi M.C. - thanks for your comments and insight. I felt the need to post something to celebrate autumn. Tom :)