Eating Elephants Whole with Chopsticks
Eating elephants whole with chopsticks
that is surely what I need to do!
But I have no chopsticks so I’ll swim to China
in a woollen suit with weights tied to each foot.
Catching killer whales with tweezers
that is surely what comes next for me!
But I have no tweezers so I’ll fashion some
from a piece of string with mittens on each hand.
Laura Taylor
Thu 6th Nov 2014 10:59
:) Love the idea behind this - taking too much on. 'Biting off more than you can chew', as it were. I drive myself mad actually by taking on more and more when it's clear I struggle to cope with what I'm already doing. Then I can't decide what to address first.
Anyway enough about me - great little poem this.
*cough* capitalised every line though *cough* ;)