Philae Shakes The Hand Of God
Philae Shakes The Hand Of God
What is the etiquette
for shaking hands
with God?
His ancient skin
so cracked
and old.
We have travelled far
to penetrate
His hide.
The cold, dark cosmos
squeals with
“Know your place,
you of greens
and blues”,
sing the disregarded
stars and
We pass through
the blazing tails
of comets.
We burn money
in plasmatic
whooping with delight
at our pre-pubescent
fumbling -
and we cannot
heal a child
in Africa.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Thu 20th Nov 2014 19:11
Creation and the Creationist Myth are entirely different. But the human effort in ancient times to try to understand the unknowable, using the language of poetic metaphor, is profoundly amazing in itself. I see no conflict between Science and Religion that wisdom cannot dispel.