Poet-tree by Twilbury Wist Tuesday 2nd December 2014 10:38 pm A poet And their Daemons Need time Though forced Alone For never quite Comfortable With the rattle Inside Their heads They crave Company To keep out The silent Noise The whispers The alarums The realities Which play Past present And future Inside their Heads Endlessly And if they can Manage that And not Go pop They will bleed Their words And the souls They have swallowed Taken Inhabited Gathered And rolled Into one Which become This A part of you All Shared Broken open Displayed A small Bird's egg Fallen from The tree Shattered And smashed And opened In a beautiful Yokey mess For all of you To See
Dave Bradley
Wed 3rd Dec 2014 17:20
An interesting attempt to reflect the impossible complexity of what can go on inside a poet's head. I liked it, even though it is doomed to fail.