"I want to eat your cancer" - Nirvana
Inspired by Nirvana's song 'heart-shaped box'. The line "I want to eat your cancer" was so strong and powerful, really got me thinking
I want to eat your cancer,
Sip your darkness, your evils,
Drink from your chalice of disease,
Soak up your pain, bathe in it, wash in it...
So that you are dry.
And when you are too dry;
Powdery, breaking, crumbling,
Ill offer you a drink from my shaking, bony hands,
Drink my blood, all of it,
I don’t need liquid, fluid, moisture, life.
Take that 65% of me.
In fact, take my flesh,
Pick it off my carcass and wear it on your wounds
Even take my bones,
Smash them up and knock them to pieces,
Build a fire that will keep you warm.
Or a shelter to protect you.
Give me your chronic disease.
Give me your terminal illness.
Give me your infection,
Your plagued mind,
Your burden box.
Then maybe you’ll live
and Ill perish happier than I would be breathing
Because you’d be breathing
without a death sentence hugging your lungs,
squeezing your chest.
You’d be smiling
And if I could be your cure
Rigor mortis would find me smiling back.
Graham Sherwood
Thu 18th Dec 2014 12:35
Alexandra, crikey!
I think it would have been better not to have used the title line in the piece.
To me this is an allegory for cleverly disguised total supplication.
Heavy stuff indeed.
best regards,