The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

One not to mess with

When I first seen you I knew you were a thot basically a whore

So here I go poisonous words out of my mouth I will pour

Behind my back you will talk shit

And in may face speak only a little bit.

Honey don’t get this confused, I’ll smack the ever living shit out of you.

I’m a fighter not a lover

I’m Ronda Rousey undercover.

You don’t wanna mess with me

With your pussy ass I’ll have you crying, begging on your knees.

Now come close and listen

Bitch you better think twice about who you try to be dissin

‘Cause if it’s me, teeth will be what your missin.

Now you can go ahead and keep acting like mighty mouse

But bitch you ain’t nothing, still hiding in your house.

And you can keep saying how I ain’t pretty

But what I feel about you is not hate but pitty.

Honey I’m like Aphrodite

My beauty is something all people love

Plastic surgery is what you should’ve been suggested of.

You can run your mouth thinking your funny

But my main agenda consists of making my money.

Now don’t worry your drama will not interfere,

Because to you and all the fake bitches out there I’ll make this very clear.

I won’t think twice about making the first swing

But I ain’t a little bitch and I’ll confront you of the whole thing

I’m not one to deal with bullshit and keep taking your drama

You should know honey I run this shit like Obama.

I’m the baddest bitch and deal with shit the quickest

But I ain’t bully and I’m gonna defend the weakest.

Watch your mouth and who you’re talking to

Cause my ass has had about enough of you.

Trust ►


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