The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


I lived and learned through every mistake,

And learned whoever may cross my path is more than likely fake.

To build up the courage to trust,

And to be screwed over that trust can easily disappear into nothing but dust.

Don’t let the eyes deceive,

Because they will be the reason that you grieve.

Everyone will pretend to be your friend,

And be nothing but an enemy in the end,

This tends to be nothing but a lasting trend.

Your whole life it will be you against the world,

So you have to be strong when your world suddenly starts to spin and twirl.

You realize that you have so much independence

So why not start to tear down your fence?

The one you’ve built up around your heart.

A life you’ve let no one become apart.

Thinking it’s okay to let someone in

This is something I can’t take,

I mean oh my goodness sake.

You spent all this time building up a wall,

Sucks for you so be prepared to fall.

Everything seems so amazing at first,

So happy and in love with everything around you, you think your heart may burst.

All of a sudden it comes to an end,

And you wish someone had a helping hand to lend.

You’ve torn down your wall and forget no one is on your side

This emotional wreck has been a wild ride.

But its okay, everyone always needs a little reminding,

That trusting can be the dumbest thing.

When you fall just get back up,

And kick that son of a bitch in the but.

Being fooled once is more than enough,

So fake it to make it and be tough.

You’ll build up that wall again,

This all will happen again, but the question is when?


◄ One not to mess with

The Days To Ponder ►


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