"I had a kitchen had a new kitchen
had it fitted, kitchen fitted by a kitchen fitter
could have been quicker frankly
frankly he could have been quicker
but being a kitchen fitter had other jobs going
at the same time fitting other kitchens all the time and
not enought hours in the day he said
he said that fitting kitchens was a twenty four hour game
twenty four seven, sometimes finished at eleven.
started at eight with a mate fitting new kitchens.
Could have done it better frankly
frankly it could have been done better
but being a kitchen fitter he had other men working
at the same time fitting other kitchens all the time and
not enough men to complete them in time so he said
he said that
and I believed him.
I suppose that's how it is when you employ men
always men men only.
They smoke roll - ups and show their bottoms. "
Sat 6th Jun 2015 22:11
Glad you enjoyed this Colin. It was supposed to be neurotic houseowner but I'm sure we've all being there!
The last line is the bottom line obviously!