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Winston's Spoke-n-Word bike encounters pelicans and Godiva at Glastonbury

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That champion of “found” poetry, Winston Plowes, has been producing poems from his unique Spoke-n-Word random poetry generating bicycle outside the Poetry & Words tent at Glastonbury festival.  According to the Poetry & Words blog, one of the poems features “a confused and caged pelican / breathing in a basket” and Lady Godiva getting off the saddle: “Without my clothes I feel more joyful …” You can read more of these poems, evidently composed in the spirit of Glastonbury, here. Meanwhile on Facebook Winston said on Saturday morning: “All is well and after a busy morning on day 2 but an afternoon of rain all looks set fair for today, day three and another busy day collecting words and lines of poetry.” Pete the Temp is this year’s website poet in residence at Glastonbury, comperes at the Poetry & Words tent are Rosy Carrick and Dreadlockalien, and Paula Varjack and Dan Simpson will be hosting the Glastonbury Slam, whose previous winners include Hollie McNish and Luke Wright, and which takes place on Sunday 28 June at 5pm. 

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