Vanessa Kisuule heads Spread the Verb at Poole festival
Vanessa Kisuule will be appearing at Poole Festival of Words on Thursday 23 July in Spread the Verb, a spoken word showcase at Poole museum at 7pm that also features Bournemouth poet laureate James Manlow and host of Apples and Snakes ‘451’ show, Rob Casey. Compered by Myriam Word Maker, there will be also an open mic for local poets to share words with the chance of becoming a featured guest in a future show. After a weekend of events the festival closes on Sunday 26 July with an Apples and Snakes masterclass aimed at poets looking to progress from poetry sets to touring shows. A full day of activities, advice and performance is led by professional poets and performers including Nick Field, Chanje Kunda and Matt West. More details