He’s a Drunk
He does this sort of jig when he’s drunk and still drinking
Like a lazy footed Mohammed Ali
bobbing back and forward from knee to knee
I watch fascinated by this unconscious dance
Him gaining and losing his balance
momentarily locking out the bend from one knee
steadying himself briefly
until the locked knee gives way
and he’s jigging again
His smoking arm has a purple hand of stiff fingers stuck on its end
and a perpetual cigarette burnt down to the filter wedged in the V between two fingers
His drinking arm jerks out of time with his jig
it does this reverse beckoning action in slow jerky movements
causing his drink to slosh in the glass
but at least the fingers on this hand
can curl around a glass
Wed 3rd Feb 2016 13:17
Thank you for the comment, Dazzer. M:)