sleepnow and movecloser
sleepnow and movecloser
leave the world to turn
rest upon my shoulder
distant embers burn
sleepnow and movecloser
day has almost gone
sunset sparks a pleasure
now we are alone
sleepnow and movecloser
shadows fill the gloom
feel the warmth that whispers
through the silent room
sleepnow and movecloser
life is on our side
death is swept forever
on the turning tide
©Colsibabes 2015
Thu 13th Aug 2015 12:26
HI Colin. Thanks for your comments on a poem about nothing. Written out of desperation but you know the tap won't turn now and again.
I thought this poem very illuminating and life affirming. I don't know why but I thought of Winston Smith as played by John Hurt in 1984 in bed with that super sexy lass.