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Do it Again

You're a bloodthirsty hedonist 

Mocked by your work

With your toil aboard

And your pension to shirk 

All the blood thirsty thoughts 

That now occupy head

As you quantify living

While praising the dead. 


You pick up a hammer

While dreaming of booze

With two nails in your teeth

You're not ready to lose

And the tighter you bite

The more brittle they grow

This incredible seed needs more water to grow.


But you banish the can

And clog up the drain

Your heart has now kneeled 

To worship the brain

An unthinkable sacrifice 

So filled with pain

That the logic is feeling

So far from the sane 

That the ground remains dry

While the sky still drops rain.

And you fasten the buckle

To do it 


◄ Eat it

Tow Truck ►


<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 10th Jun 2016 11:16



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Corr Lens

Fri 10th Jun 2016 10:55

@vickiayers its me! and al of us!

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Vicki Ayers

Tue 29th Dec 2015 16:48

I love this - I'd love to know who you're talking about here - yourself or another? Either way powerful words - 'the incredible seed needs more water to grow' - what a line xx

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