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My breath paints opaque on the drab, teary window

As I watch the umber monster lunk and lumber down the lane


All flash bang glamour and neon safety signs

Leaving behind macerated kerbs of sod and shimmering puddles


Scuttling behind are three ludicrous, papaya tinged workers

Swearing and sighing and singing rude songs


One guides a hose from the beast to the gaping, gurgling maw of the drain

 While two drowned rats smoke and supervise


A simple sign impels a guttural roar from the dismal juggernaut

Scattering cats and waking the village from its bucolic slumber


The beast drinks long from the effluence and precipitation

The blockage soon vanquished by its horsepower and suction


One of the gentleman hoists a sepia pad like a trophy and proclaims

'It was the jamrag what done it'


The sewage filled dragon ceases its flames and shudders

Then rolls on down the muddy road


The men follow like chained servants

Swearing and singing and waiting for dark.

◄ untitled

gecko ►


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Stu Buck

Fri 4th Dec 2015 17:24

thanks cynthia! im really glad you liked it. round here the council wear bizarre, pale orange jackets, hence the papaya tinged. i remember someone once telling me they'd rather read a thousand poems that make the mundane interesting than one about love and war. its stuck with me!

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 4th Dec 2015 16:01

Fabulous - full of vivid imagery, sound effects, great diction selection, humour - and all to describe a very common occurrence that has become real poetry - as can anything - any time - anywhere. I salute you!

The 'papaya tinged workers' is great - not sure whether it's their jackets or their faces; and so was 'gentleman' to describe one of the crew - the value of the unexpected word.

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