Once we were the dirty foreigners
Reaching for support
Smashed by war, people indifferent,
looking the other way
Betrayed by nations, hindering not helping
Exploited by the scum of the earth
Yes, once we were those dirty foreigners
In the name of no religion
Pray for us
Pray for the senseless killing in Paris
for the barbarous killing in Beirut
for the slaughter at a funeral in Baghdad
for the horrendous massacres in Nigeria
Pray for them all, for the people fleeing the terror
from people who would kill them
but most of all, pray for the world
that doesn't have a prayer
that only has a few belongings on its back
Pray for a world that is falling apart
Pray it is not the end of the world
Bless the full belly
Bless the safe roof over my head
Bless the mind still active
Bless the legs still working
Bless the mother that bore us
Bless the children of the world
Bless the friends, bless the peacemakers,
Bless our true leaders, bless our common sense,
Bless this country, bless this peace
and lastly not leastly, bless us one and all !!
Tommy Carroll
Fri 4th Dec 2015 14:22
Joe don't pray- organise!