The View
Admiring the view
Thankful for it's beauty
It's comfort
It's familiarity.
So I can close my eyes
and picture it still
Contented smile
Snapshot made
The scene is owned
As realisation strikes
- I own nothing
- I know nothing
how each hill was formed
the names of the farmers who built the stiles to every field
or the names of those who now own those blankets of land
to count every blade of grass
to measure the mist
to know the age and history of every tree
The past of the very bench I'm sat on
is a mystery to me
And I can't say who first walked it's length
Or where that plodding bus was built
Or where it's been since it's birth
I can't vouch as to where to or where from
Far less state the words and thoughts of those cocooned inside
Or declare the depth of any of the puddles they pass
Shining through that distant window
Still less how warm the sun will feel in an hour
Or the direction the wind came from, even ten seconds ago
The provenance and future of those clouds
Cannot be told by them
Let alone by me.
I know nothing but
the fact that this view
In this moment
Does belong to me
I'm all the wiser for knowing less.
David Lindsay
Thu 31st Dec 2015 11:51
Thanks very much for your kind and thoughtful comments.