Kindle publishing
Hello and seasons greetings (happy solstice etc). Does anyone know of a good software to create own kindle book? I've done some research and as always ran across scams galore of dodgy fucking conmpanies that pretend to have great offers and the best software, only to read comments on how peole have been scammed. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about publishing own ebook and what software to use that is cheap and reliable? It just gets harder everytime you want to do something with art online as lots of rip offs, justlike the legal high scams out there. What a world we live in now!!!!
Wed 30th Dec 2015 09:35
Well I've researched the kindle idea and it is an headache. So many rip off softwares and contradictions on forums that say 'yes' do it and 'no' don't do it and companies begging for your cash and all that shit. Come on - it should be free - us artists need to strike back at all this corporate mentality and take the reigns and our own cash. I'm not in it for the money, just want a readership and maybe some pocket money etc.
I've set up an account with createspace as Stu recommended and began formatting my book on Microsoft word. Trouble is my poems are quite long even after editing and my 90's themes would run to 40 + which is way too many for a collection - so may have to rethink and release two collections at same time. Self-advertising will be tough for online.
It's not as easy as people think it to be - ebooks and all that. We will see.
I bought an ebook on how how to make ebooks all 5 pages of nonsense for £1.00 which didn't teach me anything other than be a thief of cooking recipes and make quick cash with silly ebooks pasted from websites - the new writers hey! Just steal all content. That's the world we live in now - fake drugs, fake books, fake profiles - ummmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!
Still gonna give it a shot though.