The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


In an instant his eyes flicked from left to right

And back again

As he remembered the last time he'd seen Nicole.


It was in 1969.


They'd met two years earlier

At a friend's party,

A chance gathering of two paths

Each leading to a different star.


He of the patchwork jeans,

The faraway eyes, and no ambition


And she with the short blonde hair,

The movie star looks, but no movie.


Nicole's life was one of

Suave men, fast cars,

And cocktails at the golf club, 

Everything that was repugnant to him.


His style was more low-key.

He possessed little, envied no-one,

Yet he harboured

A latent need to call the shots.


There was no chance

Of a relationship

Ever developing.

Even a dalliance

In the back of his Transit

Was unlikely.


But over the next two years

He watched her,

From a distance,



By May 1969

The lovely Nicole

Lay broken in her grave.

Her body destroyed by the flames

Of a house fire,

The violation unnoticed.


Only he knew the real story.


His Nicole, his nothing.

The first of his four guilty secrets.



◄ The Rebel

The Hat ►


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Jim Trott

Thu 28th Jan 2016 15:32

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed Nicole.

(Bugger. I haven't written a sequel. I wonder if I get away with changing the last line from "four" to "two"?)

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Robert Mann

Thu 28th Jan 2016 10:56

Jim - a dark tale of the unexpected and yet there is a foreboding throughout. I love that this is possibly the first act or chapter to an overarching story. Let's have more as soon as possible.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 28th Jan 2016 10:44

As I am sometimes wont to say, 'shitting hell!'. Whoof - big goosebumps!

Beautifully crafted, acutely observed (which I strongly suspect is internal with a little added poetic licence, clearly!), and with what us round here call a 'killer ending'. 'Cept in this case it really is :D

As Stu says, you have a way with endings. You're a natural storyteller Jim, and I do love it when we get fresh meat with real talent! :)

*awaits more secrets*

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Stu Buck

Wed 27th Jan 2016 22:50

savage and brilliant. you have a way with endings. there is near-imperceptible nastiness running through it, then you just seem to twist the knife right at the last. same with the previous one of yours i read (aisha with beads). this one is left open ended and makes me wonder two things. what were the other three secrets, and how does the narrator know so much about him...

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