Wind from my Window
As I draw together the curtains
on a winter afternoon
the street is gently breezy -
Disney-waltzy in 3D colour.
Over the rooftops
naked branches cast nets upon electric blue
where birds in flight ride Russian violins
in ecstatic sweeps of long slow motion.
Twigs from the giant willow
almost finger my window pane -
the tapping tambourines
of my silent orchestra -
and I am charmed.
unheralded by horns
a rogue gust
attacks the huge pine across the street
thrashing its peak wildly
like a puppy neck-wrestling a rag doll.
Overhead the sailing birds veer widely
hang suspended in mid-flight -
specimens pinned to the skyboard -
then swerve in great parabolic curves
around a shifting horizon
helpless in the fierce wind.
The pine tree seems almost wrenched
from its roots.
How many breaths do I draw
before the violence passes
leaving in its wake dazed birds -
like those seeking shelter
in my mammoth willow?
For I clearly see:
two perplexed pigeons huddled together ...
a befuddled dove tightly folded ...
a discombobulated blackbird a bit unsteady ...
a scruffy magpie straining to maintain image ...
and – yes – a ruffled robin on a lacy twig
flicking its sharp little tail furiously.
Even through glass
I can hear the holly hedge hopping
with indignant twitters.
Our bold gulls must have taken refuge
upon canal waters.
All seems safe -
All safe.
And I, too,
as I close the curtains against the chill
and go to the kitchen to brew a cuppa -
not inclined to philosophize
not even a bit.
Just – make tea.
Cynthia Buell Thomas
Jan., 2016
Delaney Coyne
Fri 26th Feb 2016 22:46
I really liked this! You have so much cool imagery and it really feels like you're there too -- beautiful piece.