Coming soon ... picking a Poem of the Week on Write Out Loud
Write Out Loud is launching a new feature called Poem of the Week, to recognise the high quality of poetry that is regularly produced on this site. Each week a member of Write Out Loud’s editorial team will take a turn in picking their favourite poem that has been blogged in the past few days. They will contact the poet, ask permission to feature it, and also pose a few questions that will provide some background to the poem - and the poet, too.
Arguably, all poetry judgments are subjective. So Write Out Loud’s Poem of the Week doesn’t have to be the most viewed poem on the site that week, or even the most technically accomplished – just the one that has caught a particular WOL team member’s fancy that week.
Those with long memories will recall a Poem of the Month feature that ran for quite a while on Write Out Loud a few years ago. We know there are quite a few of you out there that miss items like that. Watch out for the first Poem of the Week … coming early next month!
steve pottinger
Sat 7th May 2016 15:18
It's a different member of the editorial team each week, on a rota basis (more or less, depending on availability, free time, and enthusiasm).
Since the POTW is about the *poem* not the person who picked it, and because we've agreed it as a team, their identity remains a closely-guarded secret even from themselves.
Nothing to stop you thinking "I'll bet so-and-so picked that one" if you want to, mind. But, really, it's all about the poem.