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Sweaty Little Fingers

Sweaty Little Fingers


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive. 


"That's not a fish! It's a tadpole!"


1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a tadpole alive

I loved the little fella and I wanted him to thrive 

but he was too small for me so I made him dive 

back into the water.


1 little frog hopping around. I bend and lift him from the ground. I wrap him up all safe and sound in my sweaty little fingers


2! There's another one! Better than the other one! I'm gonna catch him before he's gone so he can be a friend to number one.


3. 2's a company, 3's a crowd. But I were only five and I just didn't really get how you could make a company with only 2 people working there (true story). So I picked up another one.


For after all, I've already got 3. I've never held four frogs before! Tiny little forelegs  held gently down, just so they can't hop around.


5 little frogs staying alive. 

Singing "I, I, I, I'm stayin' alive!"

...Except, they were baby frogs, so it sounded more like "peep, peep"

...And their dance moves were more like...(demonstrate movements of a frog)




1, 2, 3, 4, 5 little hopping fellas all alive,

I set off down t' 'ill to show mi mum,


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 little hopping fellas still alive,

Runnin' all the way and havin fun,


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 little hopping fellas just alive,

I have to lean my hands ont' gate t' oppen it


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 little hopping fellas ... alive?

I run to mi mum where she sits


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 little hopping fellas ... Not... Hopping. 



"Aww son..."

"What ave I done?"

"Come 'ere son"

"Awww mummy!!! I killed em! I feel like poo!!!"

"It's ok Matthew I know what t' do"


So we went outside and did the best things you can do with 5 non dancing frogs and 10 sweaty little fingers. 


We wiped off t'guts ont' garden wall, rubbed em ont, grass and went to build dens out of corrugated, asbestos sheeting instead.


Ah the good old days

Childhood memorieschildhood deathnaturenaivetynursery rhymefrogsfingershands

◄ A lesson that I Taught

An Ode to Online Dating ►


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