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The Little folk

At the end of the garden,by the big old oak

Hidden away from inquisitve eyes,

Is a dwelling place for the little folk

usually mistaken for butterflies!


The flowers grow higher, the grass much more sweet,

a soft green carpet under your feet.

It's easy to miss them, not clearly in sight,

the time they enjoy most, is quite late at night!

You see, they are cautious, and dare not go out

in the daytime, the children are out and about!


They look out for each other, and when anyone's near,

a pre-arranged signal will help them steer clear

of human stomping and running around,

they'll call "Beware! Don't make a sound!"


A home is built inside a toadstool

with a door and windows each side.

And should a fairy come for a visit,

that door is open wide!

They chat over cups of nectar

so tiny, they hold but a drop,

and nibble on dainty petit fours

with berries and honey on top.


Fairies are friends with the insects and birds,

they'll  ride on the sparrow's back.

The bees provide all their honey

for their pancakes they eat by the stack!


So please, if by chance you should wander

down the path by the big old oak,

walk carefully, do not blunder

and tread on the little folk!



The Proposal(to the tune of "Bicycle made for two) ►


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Lynn Dye

Sat 9th Apr 2016 14:49

I enjoyed this too, Lorna, good one.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 9th Apr 2016 12:03

Very Beatrix Potter Lorna.We loved it!

Our regards.

Patricia and Stefan.

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