Dark and Light
1.Dark not Light
Tense, all so taut
Cross, impatient
For no-one else a thought
Dark, not light
Brooding, silent
Muscles cramped so tight
Alone, so Alone
Screaming inside
Love turned to stone
Sadness and sorrow
Such painful disappointment
No light to come tomorrow
Dark, not light
Drowning slowly
Losing the fight
Slipping ever slowly
Further and further
Away from the light
Away from the muted sky
Towards the Dark below
That moves closer with its cold embrace.
2.Light not dark
Beautiful and serene
Bright, alluring
The best it’s ever been
Light, not dark
Happy, joyous
Leaving its mark
Laughter all around
Love and joy unbounded
Every day worth living
Tomorrow even better
Just have that feeling
Light, not dark
A wondrous sight
Never feeling stark
Rising quickly
Faster and faster
Towards the light
Towards the brilliance of the sky
Towards the light above
Waiting with its warm embrace